Schülerferienticket Saxony-Anhalt and MDV

The Schülerferienticket Sachsen-Anhalt und MDV allows pupils to explore the entire MDV network as well as the state of Saxony-Anhalt during the summer holidays by train, S-Bahn, tram or bus. In addition to a voucher booklet, the pass entitles to further discounts. For example, it can be used for a one-time return trip to Berlin. Starting June 1st, 2024 the Schülerferienticket is sold for example in the customer centres of transport companies.

Fare Information

  • valid from June 24th to August 3rd, 2024
  • valid daily, all day long
  • unlimited transfers possible
price (Saxony-Anhalt and MDV) 28.00 EUR

Information at

Scope of ticket validity

In the Mitteldeutschen Verkehrsverbund network and in Saxony-Anhalt

  • in the train, S-Bahn, tram and bus
  • in all regional trains
  • in the network of Harzer Schmalspurbahnen

The pass is not valid in EC, IC, ICE, D- and night trains.

Who is eligible for these offers?

The ticket may be used by full-time school students up to the age of 23. This offer also applies to children 6 and older who will attend 1st grade after the 2024 summer vacation.

From grade 6 onward a pupils ID, a school certificate or a copy of the last school report must be presented as proof of eligibility.

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